Score! Lawsuit results in free credit reports
In the 1990s credit reporting company TransUnion thought it had a great way to make more money. By filtering its already enormous database of credit information on U.S. consumers, it could sell highly...
View ArticleCredit cards (part one): the game is changing
I’ve just about had it with credit cards. Like most people of my generation, I got my first card in college. Then, and for the next twenty years, getting credit was deceptively easy. I used it in all...
View ArticleCredit cards (part two): use ’em or lose ’em
As I mentioned in part one, for the last two years Jak and I have been using a single credit-card account, a Costco Amex card with cash-back rewards, for all our credit-card needs. (When a merchant...
View ArticleReader case study: short sales and debt
After I posted What to do — and not do — with your former mortgage dollars, I received a request for advice on a strategic default from a woman I’ll call Tricia. I agreed to give her some (friendly,...
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